4 Questions Related To Furnace Repair That Every Homeowner Should Know!

Is your furnace showing any nuisance? Can’t you find the cause behind it? Then you are at the right place!

From leaking water to a constantly running furnace, there are plenty of reasons that say, “you need a furnace repair in Chestermere!” You need to hire a well-established and reliable company that provides a quick and effective solution for your heating needs.

But, before looking for them, you can quench your thirst regarding all furnace repair questions here. So, let's get started!

furnace repair Chestermere

Top 4 Questions On Your Furnace And Its Repairing

If you have a bunch of questions about your furnace's latest behaviour, you must read the below lines.

1. Why Is the Furnace Leaking Water?

It may have a couple of culprits. However, the most common reason for leaking water is a condensation leak. High-efficiency furnaces have cool exhausts. It means they can produce condensation.

If you do not have a high-efficiency furnace but facing leakage issues, there are a few more potential causes:

  • A damaged furnace humidifier
  • A blocked internal drain
  • A defective secondary heat exchanger

2. Why Does The Furnace Keep Turning Off?

It is the most asked question about furnace repair in Chestermere. The reason for turning on and off frequently is due to a dirty air filter. Those filters restrict and block the air from reaching your heat exchanger. It causes the furnace to overheat and shut down. To resolve this issue, you must contact an expert.

3. Why Is The Furnace Blowing Cold Air?

When a furnace starts to blow cool air, you need to ask a technician. One should check the fan setting. If your fan gets set to on mode, the furnace blower is working even when the furnace does not produce warm air. You need to change the fan setting to auto and relax.

Another cause of cold air is the dirty air filter. Because it restricts airflow to the furnace’s heat exchanger and forces your furnace to shut down. 

4. Why Does The Furnace Keep Running?

Furnaces work round the clock because of the thermostat fan setting. You need to change the configuration to auto and turn the thermostat to a temperature that’s lower than room temperature. If the issue is not get solved, call a heating professional.

Hire The Experts

If you are looking for a furnace repair in Chestermere, contact Calgary Air Heating and Cooling Ltd. It is a reliable and most trusted company in Calgary. To know more, visit calgaryair.ca today!


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